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General knowledge quiz
After Russia shot down an American U-2 spy plane in 1960, in what European city did the leaders meet to have a peace summit?
Who sang the famous song "What’s Your Name" (1962)?
A school dinner costs $6.84. How much does it cost to have school dinners every day for 6 weeks?
Stuart sold cars. The average sales price was $18,000. His target revenue per week was $216,00. How many cars did he need to sell per week?
When did Santa Fe become a capital?
4623+3086+1549 equals what number?
3849+2570+1291 equals what number?
A boy ran 41km before school and 31km afterwards.What was the total distance travelled?
If the weather is said to be 'clement', what type of weather would be experienced?
If you are 24 years old. How old will you be in 27 years time?
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