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Who or what am I?
I'm a star of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" who's obsessed with beauty and grace. Who am I?
What country is the homeland of the Danish people?
I was the astronaut on the Apollo 11 mission who didn't get to walk on the Moon, who am I?
On "Glee", I coach the cheerleaders and bully everyone in school. Who am I?
I helped create the first library, who am I?
I am the Iraqi neurologist named prime minister of Iraq in 2004, who am I?
What is the name of India's space center?
Who is the "Body Thief" from the title of an Anne Rice novel?
I'm the leader of the Autobots in the "Transformers" movies and I can turn into a truck. Who am I?
What is the superhero secret identity of Matt Murdock, attorney at law?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Do you remember these old cities?