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General knowledge quiz

Question 1
How many bones in the bottom-most section of the spine, the coccyx?
Question 2
In June 2009, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected as the president of which country?
Question 3
319 people were killed in a 1964 riot at a football match in which country?
Question 4
Talk about being blown off the stage. The Ed Sullivan Show debut of Fred Kaps, the era's greatest magician, was ruined in February 9, 1964, because he followed what other act?
Question 5
In which European country was Boris Tadic re-elected Prime Minister in 2008?
Question 6
Question 7
What colour does Cadbury use on the packaging of its hot chocolate products?
Question 8
Which famous Formula 1 driver survived a serious crash in 1976?
Question 9
Lerwick is the capital of which British island group?
Question 10
What is the name of the crowning feature of a column?
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