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Can you beat the score of this nurse?
When was the eating disorder 'bulimia nervosa' first medically defined?
What was the name of the first woman ever to receive a medical degree in Britain?
What mineral is added to toothpaste to strengthen tooth enamel?
Dipsomania is a wild unrelenting craving for what?
The tongue has special structures that allow you to taste, what is their name?
Your brain accounts for which percentage of your body's weight?
From which bean is ricin extracted?
Order these feats in medical history from earliest to latest.
Around which percentage of the UK population has O+ blood?
Which species of dolphin is the most acrobatic?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Extremely hard mixed knowledge quiz, how many did you answer correctly?